fill in | イディオム、フレーズ、言い回し 英会話例文

fill in

  • 1 write the required information onto a form
    意味: (フォームなど)記入する、埋める
  • 2 to replace material that is absent or has been removed.
    意味: (抜けている、欠けているものを)補充する、ふさぐ、埋める
  • 3 To inform somebody (missing information), to notify
    意味: (抜けている情報を)報じる、教える
  • 4 To substitute for somebody or something.
    意味: (人の)代理、補欠

fill in 例文

1 Make sure to fill in all the required fields on the survey.
2. She filled in the missing pieces of the puzzle to complete the picture.
3. Before we start the project, could you fill me in on the client’s requirements?
4. I had to fill in for my colleague who was out sick.